Clinical Investigation

Recurrens Rates and Affecting Factors in Patients Operated for Endometrioma

  • Cüneyt Eftal Taner
  • Bülent Elveren
  • Deniz Balsak
  • Muhittin Eftal Avcı
  • Volkan Atalay
  • Mustafa Oğuz Aygören

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2008;5(3):212-216

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to investigate reurrens rates and affecting factors in patients operated for endometrioma. MATERIAL-METHOD: The cases operated for over cyst diagnosis and pathologically endometrioma diagnosis between the years 2000-2004 has been reviewed retrospectively. Cases’s age, cyst diameter, endometriosis stage and operation procedure have been recorded and the cases that have recurrence and factors affecting recurrence are evaluated. RESULTS: Results: 51 of 137 (37.3%) cases with endometrioma that have average age of 29.1 in course of operation ± 5.4 had left side, 37 of 137(27%) had right side and 49 of 137 (35.7%) had bilateral endometrioma. Average diameter of endometriomas was 5.1 ±1.9 cm (1-1.5 cm). After average 3.3±1.8 years from first operation time in 42 cases(30.6%) had recurrence. in the left over recurrence rate was signifciantly high (10.8% to 41.2%) than right over. For recurrence rate There were no significiant diference between the 102 cases that had laparoscopy and 35 cases that had laparotomy according to cyst diameter, case ages and type of operation. When the cases were reviewed according to endometriozis staging, There were significiantly high recurrence rate at stage III (28.9%) and stage IV(46.0%). With respect to the operation type, patients that had one-sided ooferektomi,relapse is not seen. Patients that had fenestration and ablation as operation, relapse rate is 52.9% significiantly higher than patients that had kistektomi (26.9%).Despite decrease in preoperative complaints (dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain) in early postoperative period, they recurred in late postoperative period. 47(56%) of 84 patients who have fertility desire gave live birth unfortunately 12(14.3%) of them. CONCLUSION: Recurrence rates were signifiantly higher in cases with lift sided endometrioma, advanced stafe of endometriosis and in patient udergone fenestration and ablation for treatment.

Keywords: Endometrioma, recurrence rates, affecting factors