Clinical Investigation

Transvaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation technique as part of the vaginal repair procedure for marked uterovaginal prolapse

  • Mesut Öktem
  • Derya Eroglu
  • Ibrahim Esinler
  • Eralp Baser
  • Filiz Yanik
  • Esra Kusçu
  • Hulusi B. Zeyneloglu

Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2007;4(1):65-67

OBJECTIVE: The transvaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation technique was used as part of the vaginal repair procedure for marked uterovaginal prolapse. Design: Retrospective evaluation of the outcomes of patients with uterovaginal prolapsus who were underwent sacrospinous ligament fixation between 2005 and 2006. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baskent University School of Medicine, Ankara Patients: The outcomes of 15 patients with uterovaginal prolapsus who underwent sacrospinous ligament fixation evaluated. Main outcome measures: Early and late operative complications and patients’ subjective and objective symptoms. RESULTS: Intraoperative transfusion was needed for one patient. Mean operation time was 152,6±27,7 minutes. Mean hospitalization day was 2,3±0,9. No complications were occurred during hospitalization. Cuff prolapsus was occurred in one patient at 3 months after the operation and a small cysto-rectocele was occurred at 12 months after the procedure. No patient was complained of dysparonea at 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that sacrospinous ligament fixation technique is an effective and safe procedure for preventing cuff prolopsus in patients marked uterovaginal prolapsus.

Keywords: Transvaginal sacrospinous ligament fixation, uterovaginal prolapsus, cuff prolapsus..